
The wheels on the bus(英语童谣、游戏、阅读报告、孩子说故事)

The wheels on the bus(童谣、游戏、阅读报告)


       喜欢这首歌曲,因为歌词可以很大变化。儿子最喜欢唱的部分是The baby in the bus cry wa..wa..wa.. 。开始的时候他是唱The baby in the bus cry.. cry..cry..cry..。我告诉他说不是cry cry cry, 而是wa..wa..wa..,但是他说他喜欢唱cry...cry..cry,我便由他了。偶尔儿子在车上哭闹的时候,我便会唱....(儿子名字) in the car cry..wa..wa..wa..,儿子会很严肃告诉我说:“我没有哭!”

        喜欢这首歌曲, 因为歌曲可以更改很多歌词,比如:The mummy in the bus say ..shih..shih..shih.. (因为婴儿哭了,妈妈叫孩子不要哭。)。The mummy in the bus say I love you, I love you。The door in the bus open and shut, open and shut.. 等等。(you-tube很多可以参考。)

         喜欢这首歌曲,因为孩子们可以学习很多相反词(反义词)。(如open and close, up and down)



         这首歌曲让孩子们学会了wipers ,现在每次我们坐在车子里,要下雨的时候,孩子们都会提醒我们要on wipers。

         我和孩子们(30个月/ 2岁6个月)一起做了一辆纸盒的巴士 (点击便可阅读),他们边做边玩,边坐边唱起这首歌曲。
Nursery Rhyme 英语童谣:

The wheels on the bus

The wheels on the bus go
round and round. (3x)
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
all through the town.

The people on the bus go
up and down. ( 3x)
The people on the bus go up and down,
all through the town.

The wipers on the bus go
swish swish swish. ( 3x)
The wipers on the bus go swish swish swish,
all through the town.

The driver on the bus say
move to the back. ( 3x)
The driver on the bus say move to the back,
all through the town.

The horn on the bus says
beep beep beep. ( 3x)
The horn on the bus says beep beep beep,
all through the town.

The money on the bus go
clink clink clink. ( 3x)
The money on the bus go clink clink clink,
all through the town.

The baby on the bus go
weah weah weah. ( 3x)
The baby on the bus go weah weah weah,
all through the town.

The wheels on the bus go
round and round. (3x)
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
all through the town.

CD~My First Nursery Rhymes ( Volume 3)   (点击便可阅读)


孩子们(31个月/ 两岁七个月)开始演绎着这首歌的内容,边唱边玩。
The people on the bus go up and down, up and down...
The wheels on the bus go round and round...

The money on the bus go clink... clink...clink..
The horn on the bus go.. beep..beep..beep
妈妈。。。horn 坏了,没有声音。。。

The baby in the bus cry.. wa..wa...wa...

The Wheels on the Bus(阅读报告)



        这本图画书是说长颈鹿驾驶着巴士載了狮子(lion)、火烈鸟(flamingo)、斑马(zebra)、猴子(monkey)、土狼(hyena)、鳄鱼(crocodile)、变色龙(chameleon)、婴猴(bush babies)一起去郊游。孩子们从中可以再次认识这些动物的名称和它们的叫声。






书名: The Wheels on the Bus
作者: Jane Cabrera
出版: Gullane Children's Books
网址: www,gullanebooks.com
ISBN: 978-1-86233-835-7
提示: 从图书馆(PJ)借回来的图画书  收藏编号: JF CAB 00262992





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